Friday, February 13, 2009

Abandoned House

I love taking pictures of abandoned settings. There is just such a cool sense of mystery to places like that. Lots of history and stories to tell. Below is an image I took a few months ago of an abandoned house on the edge of a field. Creepy... perfect for Friday the 13th!

Creepy House, Friday the 13th


  1. Great photo.. I hear you on the abandoned places.. I'm soooooo obsessed and luckily I live in a rural area where you can drive down back roads and find them.

    But I need more.. more, I tell ya! I've found an old insane asylym but noone will let me in ;)

  2. Thanks for the comments! I would love to shoot at an abandoned asylum, post up some pictures if you ever go shooting there!

  3. Josh, your photos are really amazing. I live in a town with a town of abandoned steel mills, I am not a photographer but there is something about them that makes me want to pick up a camera.

  4. Well, if you're moving to Greenville SC you will certainly find a number of abandoned houses. Go down a little further in SC to Gray Court and Cross Anchor and you'll find even more.
    I live in NC and they don't have so many empty places just a few, harder to find.
    I do a variation and take pics of allegedy haunted spots.
    I only just started at my BF's suggestion, taking pics that is.
