Easter coming up soon I wanted to take a step back and talk about something very important to me. My church.
Ever since moving to Greenville several years ago I knew I needed to find a church. A place where I could feel free. A place to meet other people. A place that doesn't just act religious and point fingers at people that don't, but a place that opens doors and accepts people in,
no matter what! I'm happy to say that place is
Cornerstone Church here in Greenville, SC.
Our pastor, Daniel Lovelace, just finished up a series on vision for our church. So what is that vision? It's summed up pretty clearly in the church's vision statement.
"Cornerstone Church exists to help people Encounter God, Connect with people, Equip them with God's Word, and empower them to Serve God by serving people."
Not bad huh? Well it basically comes right from Colossians 1:28, where Paul is laying out his vision for the early Christian Church.
Having attended Cornerstone for almost 3 years now I'm happy to say that this is one church where they actually put their money where their mouth is. Cornerstone Church sits right next to, and actually shares their parking lot with a Islamic Mosque. Naturally, with 9/11 and other churches threatening to burn Qurans, you would think our church wouldn't have the best relationship with them. Infact, its quite the opposite. You can checkout what our pastor had to say last year in this
video on WFF4, when that crazy pastor down in Flordia was threatening to burn the Qurans. Pretty amazing stuff!
So if you are in Greenville and are looking for a church to attend I can't recommend enough that you checkout Cornerstone. It really has changed my life. Check it out Sundays at 10am at: 2701 Wade Hampton Boulevard Greenville, SC 29615 or at
www.cornerstonegreenville.com .